23 November 2005
Chicago 'L' Beautiful Woman of the Week
The second rule is that I'll make an exception to rule #1 if she speaks a language that isn't English. That may actually make it harder for the White women to get recognized since almost no one on the L speaks except for the loud cell phone talker, the teen agers heading home from school, the gay men talking about their latest boyfriends and the 20ish white women complaining about their corporate or near corporate jobs or
"Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm homeless. I don't have a job. I'm just trying to get some money so I can feed my family. Excuse me. Excuse me. If there is any way you can help out it would be appreciated." or (while holding a 1 year old baby)
"The Lord God himself was a kind and generous soul who sent his son down to protect us. Now, if you could find it in your christian hearts to give a little, there would be joy in your soul from christ and the lord would thank you for keeping a child alive one more day" Ding. Doors open. Ding. Doors Close. Switch to another car "The Lord God..."
This award. Award? This recognition goes out to the most beautiful woman I see on the 'L' during the week. Could be any of the lines, but mostly Green, Purple, Red, Brown because that's my domain. Occasionally Orange, Never Yellow or Blue. We'll just have to cross paths some other way.
Does Skin color or race matter? Not to me and neither does weight for those who wonder. But it might to you if you're wondering if it's you. I can't very well just say, black hair, 120 lbs and get it close. Or I could and maybe I will. Sometimes using the color of one's own skin and their race is important. When that happens,it happens. So, today, 22 November 2005, I recognize the Chicago 'L' Beautiful Woman of the Week: From the Brown line. Rush-hour headed north from the Mart. You sat next to the door on the left hand side of the train. Black hair, glasses and a 1950's box shaped purse. 25 or 24 years old. Between 5:15 and 5:57. About 5'2 or 5'4. Lest you think the beauty is all in the looks, it's not. Today I saw a smile that made me smile. I saw happiness in an avalanche of desperation and boredom. That more than anything made her stand out.
There it is Chicago. Your Chicago 'L' Beautiful Woman of the Week.
I love Cree Summer.
22 November 2005
What can you say?
Is it possible to disagree with the president?
It is possilble. Once you are behind bars, you can disagree with him and rant and rave all you want and we won't care. But out here? Out here in the real world, in this day and age, you simply cannot and get away with it We have to know your intentions for disagreeing with him and what your background is and just how far you are willing to take your disagreements.
But, I'm not taking them anyplace. They don't go any further than these pages.
That isn't for you to decide. It is for us to probe you, your friends, your work place, your internet access, your cell phone records, come into your house while you are at work without your notice, track what kind of pop you buy at the grocery store on January 13th, 2005 in Tuba City Arizona at 3:46 pm in aisle B6 next to the non-carbonated Yahoo chocolate milk, track what music you listen to, when and where you buy your food and track every single document you have ever printed from your home or work computer directly back to you with a flick of a light wand over the documentation. That 's our job. Your job?
Yeah. What's mine? I never knew that you guys assigned people jobs.
Your job is to live where we zone you, pay the taxes we tell you, funnel your children to the schools we allow you to, keep your opinions to your self, with an occasional allowance for the newspaper and become conformist schleps in a fantasy democratic republic society that is no more real than the crappy reality tv shows that dominate the television airways.
20 November 2005
18 November 2005
It worked
17 November 2005
And now for something completely stupid: Another Republican subterfuge
14 November 2005
Hello, CTA? I'd like to report a solicitor on the train...
soliciting me to buy computers and the Cartoon Network soliciting me to buy cable tv and every business in Evanston beckoning my dollars. So, illegal in this case is a slippery slope. It's legal if you pay the extortion scheme to the CTA juice man sitting at the right hand of the mayor, but illegal if youneed to sell a couple of candy bars quickly to feed your family? I get it that you can't let all the pan handlers on. I get that. I don't pay attention to them as it is.
So here is how the CTA can make even more money and yet still raise the fares annually. You have anyone who wants to panhandle on the CTA, selling god knows what apply for a permit. Permits cost $500/yr. 500 people sign up and you have half a million dollars. This allows them legal access on the trains and depots selling wares. Buses are excluded and so are any trains going north of Belmont. We don't want those fussy folks in the north shore to be triffled.
10 November 2005
09 November 2005
I'll pay extra for that
In all that time I've never had a close relationship with the people who cut my hair. Sit there. Tell them what you want and that's it. No small talk about what their kids are up to.
Today. Today was different. I have seen it done before in obvious places: car dealerships, offices, strip clubs of course, but never a barbershop.
She was well, how old she was isn't important. Not 20ish if it matters. But, she was gorgeous East European. And stacked and knew it. And used it.
My normal haircut takes maybe 15 minutes. She spent 45 and I'll go back just for her.
She smiled a lot and rubbed up against my neck. Again, I've had haircuts, this was different. She paused three or four times to look directly into my eyes and smile. Not saying anything, but smiling. She styled my hair without asking and said "I like it much better like this. You keep like this from now on." Now, as I get up to leave, she pauses again. Smiles and leans her very nice body into me and breathes lustily on the back of my neck. What just happened here? I felt the same way I feel after I'm done with a hooker. Relaxed, confident and definitely want to come back. So I will. But, I won't say where. She's in the city Chicago. You just have find her.
08 November 2005
Well, that's not good
"I told this guy that I lost all of my ids and my social security card and my credit cards and now I needed to get a new identity. Plus, I just broke up with my boyfriend after 7 years and it was too soon to be getting in to a relationship."
"And is that true?"
"All lies."
"What did he do?"
"He was all like "That's terrible. Is there anything I can do? I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm cool with that" I mean, if he had any balls and he really wanted me, he would have been pissed you know and tried to fight a little harder. I only met him like twice and was only sober for about 20 minutes of that time, so it's not a big deal. For me anyway. Ha. Ha. Ha."
Welcome to Monday.