20 April 2010

And on

Every day I can't stay away. I think I might have it, but then it goes away.

The constant movement of the emotions leaves you exhausted and destroyed. You want to leave and enjoy life, but there is no life left to enjoy. You must suffer in silence to gain the upper hand. At what point would you consider moving on? You have until mid month and then it's over. Your time is up and you must prepare.

Mark Levin died today

Most people harbor a vitriol and passion toward talk-radio hosts. Polarized and self-absorbed thoughts and conversations that exist only in their heads. Not realizing the characters they listen to on the radio are just that - characters. Invented personalities under the guise of being true with the audience in a media driven attempt to connect with the listeners. For whatever reason, the hosts feel that they have some sort of integrity they need to protect by professing that what they actually say on the radio needs to be true. Why? There is no oath administered at the start of the show. No subpoena. They rely on the naiveté of the audience to make that giant leap.

Mark Levin died today.

Every host out there lies to you in some fashion. It's called the radio business. Not a courtroom. So how can a blog be singled out for libel by a radio broadcaster when libelous statements are de rigueur for their acts?

Mark Levin died today is a subject we should approach each and every day. Not because of anything planned. Far from that. I would never condone direct actions toward the death of another human soul. But one can just imagine how much joy the headlines will bring when he does die. The unemployed masses will have smiles from ear to ear for at least one day. And maybe, just maybe it might be the start of something bigger and better in their lives. This one shining moment that they can reach back to and smile at each and every day when the depths of despair have risen to haunt their weary minds.

So, we'll roll this out and see out how it goes.

Today, Mark Levin was killed as he left the office when a safe (full of hush fund documents from the catholic church to an unnamed source) fell on top of him.