18 October 2005

Idea for a tv commercial

Tight facing shot on a woman driving a car. Woman wearing glasses. Camera pan left to a man squirming in his seat. Obviously he has to go to the bathroom. Hip-hop bubble-gum pop plays in the background.

Car pulls into driveway. Guy frantically gets out of car and runs into the house. Heads to the bathroom. Camera is at his back now. Long shot going away of many running into bathroom.

Capture SFX. Follow into the bathroom. Shot of man from behind. Hear the zipper sound.

Cut to shot of the toilet bowl and the words 'KOHLER' as the SFX of piss rains down and the SFX of a man sighing. Voice-over as the light is clicked off.
"Kohler. We're there when you need really us."
Light clicks back on as child walks into the bathroom late at night to get a glass
of water and stands on the toilet seat (Focus camera on lettering 'Kohler' above the childs feet.) "...And even when you just need us just a

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