06 July 2010

Song of

You know that song that goes through your head as you are getting in the shower? Not the one that's playing on the radio as you're brushing your teeth. The one that is in your head as you pull back the shower curtain, turn on the water and step periously over the tub side and into the wall. Falling on your ass. Cracking your head open as the hot water streams down on your chest. Blood goes down the drain, past your hand, across your leg. The song? Worst ever. No intro. No chorus. No post. Just random segments of last three bars of an instrumental merged together with the opening credits to a bad sitcom. So horrible it wakes you up. You turn off the shower. Wipe away the blood, brush your teeth and go to work. As you get off the escalator, a saxophonist in the subway plays your song, but only the last 5 bars and in 3/4 time and not 1/4 time.

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