01 June 2012

Mike Golic, you big piece of disingenuous shit

Listening hard on the way to work and it never fails to hear the bile coming from your mouth. 

Here's what I heard on the drive in this morning:

'Got a letter here from a J. Posnanski about the game last night...'  and then pretends to read a 'letter' from someone he claims he doesn't know and is just a casual listener to the show.  With no hint of sarcasm or knowing wink to the audience that he really does know the person.  A tone that could obviously be employed.  Excuse me while I hurl.

First off, there is no way that a letter gets to your offices in the morning commenting on a game played last night. 

Second, you know who Joe Posnanski is. You have been in the sports business a long time.  He was a senior writer at Sports Illustrated and nationally renowned writer. If you don't know or haven't heard, you do no homework in your job.  Don't lie to the audience and pretend you don't know who he is.  Why would you lie to your audience that you neither know nor have heard of Joe Posnanski Mike?  What has he done to you personally or what have your bosses told you to do to obfuscate the truth?  It wouldn't have been so difficult to say this, 'Reading a tweet from Joe Posnanski former writer for Sports Illustrated...' or 'I'm reading Joe Posnanski's blog and he says...' or 'We got a text from Joe Posnanski today...'.  But no.  That would not be the case.  Instead we get the continual lie and shots straight down the corporate middle. We don't have 6 seconds in our show to say who Joe Posnanski is to some of the audience who may not know..  A show 4 hours every day that never takes a single position or makes a statement without qualifiers or concessions to the other view point. Congratulations Mike.  You've now rise up to Mike Gr's. level.

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