22 August 2009

How much to pay

The conflict rages inside my head. How do I approach becoming involved in a quest for spirituality with the notion that I have to pay money to be a part of that quest? If I want to become a part of an organized religion/church/sect/cult, I would be required to make a weekly monetary contribution. If I want specific classes or retreats, those cost money. Where can I go and meet people in search of the same quest and at the same time not be required to make a monetary sacrifice to attain this quest? Is there such a place or organization? And also, how do you handle the unwritten guilt that comes with the fact that they might say 'No money is required to be given' when in fact, the exact opposite is true. You cannot be a permanent part without making a monetary contribution.

My ultimate problem with this quid pro quo is that it amounts to prostitution. And while I am not opposed to the idea of prostitution, I don't want my quest for higher powers or sense of the unknown weighed down with heavy hand of money standing in the middle.
It is a struggle that is not easily solved. Do you sacrifice your sense of what's right and wrong for some potential enlightenment that may or may never happen? Am I paying money for something no different than a ouija board?

And the actual amount of the contribution literally has nothing to do with it. Be it one thousand dollars or be it a single penny, once the transaction takes place, no longer is everyone on the same path in the quest. Now you are the paying customer, the leader holds sway for the period of time that your money allows. What then does it become? Therapy? Back to prostitution? Mind control? Options then turn to internal personal quest outside of a group. Noble, but not what I'm looking for. That becomes a biased search and you need the interaction and feedback of ideas for other people so you aren't becoming just a self-serving egotist. At this point, there is no way around the conflict. I will not pay a single penny for a quest toward enlightenment/spirtuality/whatever. Maybe the search is toward a group effort. Maybe that is what you are looking for. And the long-term goals are ancillary. We shall see.

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