02 May 2009

State of Disturbia - Tragedy plus time normally equals

Tragedy plus time normally allows you to laugh at painful situations. But to openly mock the current financial crisis, while are still deep in the throws and headed to places unknown, is disturbing. My subject today:

Radio advertisement on WGN -720 am for a product I cannot remember. Seems to have been a financial one. But what I do remember is an approximation of the the copy "So, the economy suffered a little because some 30-year old wall street types decided to adjust the economy a little. Which it probably needed anyway" What? A little? The deepest economic depresseion since the 1930's and it's put off as just a little adjustment? People needed to lose their jobs in the millions? I needed to lose $20,000 of retirnement money? I need to look over my shoulder every single day of my working life hoping the tapping will subside for another day? Whatever that product is they are selling, I can only hope it goes out of business soon. With just a little economic adjustment.

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