19 May 2012

Halfway to Hell

Things that may happen, but I'll never live to see them:
-A woman elected president
-A manned mission to Mars
-Existence of Aliens and ghosts definitively proven
-A life immortal
-A third officially recognized gender
-The end of racism
-Unemployment rate below %1
-A good politician and a true word from your government
-My marriage to Morgan Fairchild or Mary Roach
A stem in the tide of the elimination of personal freedoms
The weight-loss overnight pill solution
The scientific solution that that world has been waiting for - Highway road material that needs no repair. This is the solution the world needs and where our scientific efforts should be focused.  And why?  Because it affects the everyday lives of millions of people.  Drugs, medicine, doctors, health regimens, cures for diseases - All pointless.  They deal with the esoteric line in the sand that life can be extended if only you take this pill.  If only you have this surgery.  Busy work for people who have a belief in the nobleness of helping others. Millions of years, people survived, procreated, gave birth, died without the benefit of medicine. People will continue for millions more.

No different than prayer.  In the end, you can't prevent death. so your ultimate work is pointless.  In the end, your god will take your life. But a highway without planned obsolescence.  That would affect the today and now. 

A tollway, bonds paid off, that becomes a freeway
A country population that is 80% non-white Hispanic and 80% owned by China

Since 1974 when I first started the journey toward awareness of things happening in the future.  I believe it may have been later but it was the little girl sitting on the edge of the shore with her father and the familiar tune of 'Alcoa can't wait.  We can't wait for tomorrow'.  They imbued me with with the sense that something was just around the corner but we're not waiting to make that turn.  We are making changes now.   I've reached the point when tomorrow will never come.  I won't be looking around the corner with hope.  I won't be waiting for the delivery that the politician promised. I won't be listening to politicians at all. The most I can hope for is to become a progressive in my small little world and control the little matters.

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