09 November 2005

I'll pay extra for that

I've been getting and paying for haircuts for many, many years. Not so many lately, but that's a preference thing, not a bald thing.
In all that time I've never had a close relationship with the people who cut my hair. Sit there. Tell them what you want and that's it. No small talk about what their kids are up to.
Today. Today was different. I have seen it done before in obvious places: car dealerships, offices, strip clubs of course, but never a barbershop.
She was well, how old she was isn't important. Not 20ish if it matters. But, she was gorgeous East European. And stacked and knew it. And used it.
My normal haircut takes maybe 15 minutes. She spent 45 and I'll go back just for her.
She smiled a lot and rubbed up against my neck. Again, I've had haircuts, this was different. She paused three or four times to look directly into my eyes and smile. Not saying anything, but smiling. She styled my hair without asking and said "I like it much better like this. You keep like this from now on." Now, as I get up to leave, she pauses again. Smiles and leans her very nice body into me and breathes lustily on the back of my neck. What just happened here? I felt the same way I feel after I'm done with a hooker. Relaxed, confident and definitely want to come back. So I will. But, I won't say where. She's in the city Chicago. You just have find her.

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