20 November 2005

Medicine. Doctors. "Try this pill. Try that pill and we'll get something to work. We'll try as much as possible." They don't know any more than you do. So I take nothing. Nothing for colds. Nothing for acid indigestion. Nothing for headaches. Nothing for erection problems that I don't have. In the end, this is the conversation you will hear. "Mr. Mr. we have tried everything we can think of. There is nothing more that we can do." So, I start there and assume that there is nothing they could do to help me in the first place, so why bother with them? If 90% of being healthy if mental, why would I want to lower that percentage by finding out that might possibly have something that could be cured early by taking this medication? Knowing I have something would take that percentage down to about %50 and leave me depressed with paralysis. So, we live how we live. And we all die the same. Gasping for breath while others think "Oh. He died so peacefully."

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